
更新 2023年11月20日


Hallmark Courses offer 21st century skills for college and beyond

(Amy Inglis ' 08 - Avida Love Photography)

When students leave Ellie Kreischer’s Hallmark Art Intensive class, 他们通过一个作品集来展示他们作为艺术家的才能,并突出他们作为创作者的故事.

Students in the Hallmark Humanities Seminar will have researched and analyzed primary sources, 与专家交流, 并独立完成了一个长达数月的项目,从概念到公开展示. 霍尔马克生物技术学院的学生, 环境科学, 无机化学澳门威利斯网站, 与此同时, 在探索当前相关领域的过程中,将获得动手实验和学习经验吗.

也许最重要的是, 每一门澳门威利斯网站的学生——以及所有MHS的标志性澳门威利斯网站——都将与专家教师一起学习,他们对所教授的学科知识渊博,并致力于与学生分享这些知识.

“当我回顾我的教育, 没有什么比和一个对他们所教的内容充满热情的老师一起上课更有力量的了,当他们指导你通过具有挑战性的材料时,” notes Dean of 学者 and Faculty Lisa Alberti ’73. “对我来说是 吉姆·欧文(长期担任高中数学老师) 还有他对地质学的热爱. 他是个很棒的数学老师, 但是当他教地质学的时候, he came alive and shared his passion in a way that made me love that subject forever.”

Such is the hallmark of the Miss Hall’s Hallmark courses. 现在是他们的第三年, 这些有远见, 高级澳门威利斯网站为学生提供个性化澳门威利斯网站, 深入, 以及持续的调查, and allow teachers to bring their expertise into the classroom and teach beyond the test. They also expose students to advanced work in independent research, 深入分析, 与批判性思维的, skills sought by colleges and universities in prospective students.

跨学科和探究为基础, 这些澳门威利斯网站已经取代了大学先修澳门威利斯网站(AP),成为MHS学术项目中最具挑战性的澳门威利斯网站, 还有学生们的接待, faculty — and colleges — has been overwhelmingly positive.

“我们发现学生们非常投入,也非常愿意把时间花在澳门威利斯网站上, 因为这对他们来说太重要了,院长阿尔伯蒂说. “我们的教师反应热烈,因为这让他们能够教授自己喜欢的澳门威利斯网站, 霍尔马克的成功经验也很好地说明了我们的大学, 因为他们可以看出,一个学生是否能够应对霍尔马克澳门威利斯网站的严格要求和那种程度的独立性, they’ll be prepared for a similar experience in college.”

Colleges expect students to have done interdisciplinary, 协作, 基于项目的工作, which is what Hallmark courses — and all our upper-level electives — offer.


事实上, 大学将如何看待从大学先修澳门威利斯网站到霍尔马克澳门威利斯网站的转变,这是MHS内外至少可以追溯到2016年的大量讨论的主题, 如果不是更早的话. 这一决定经过了广泛的研究, 学术咨询主任莎拉·维登说, whose hats at MHS have included two decades as a college counselor.

“For many years prior to beginning our Hallmark program, 我们一直在与我们的大学合作伙伴密切合作,制定我们的澳门威利斯网站计划, 当我们的合作伙伴对我们的计划非常兴奋和感兴趣时,我们并不感到惊讶,她解释道。. Virden.

“我们决定我们可以提供先进的技术, rigorous courses that would better prepare students with the skills they will need in college,Dean Alberti补充道. “我们的标志性澳门威利斯网站是根据多年的研究和学术技能设计的, the habits of mind — the ability to work independently, 进行深入研究, 并参与具有挑战性的材料-学生需要作为他们的大学经历的垫脚石.”

大学咨询主任 Courtney 舱口Blauvelt concurs.

“Colleges expect students to have done interdisciplinary, 协作, 基于项目的工作, which is what Hallmark courses — and all our upper-level electives — offer,她说。. 舱口Blauvelt, who worked in college financial aid before joining Miss Hall’s in 2017, and who continues to work closely with admissions officers across colleges and universities.

学生的经历描绘了这幅图景. 以Hallmark Art Intensive为例. 该澳门威利斯网站是专为学生谁准备使工作从老师的作业飞跃到概念驱动的艺术创作实践,推进他们的工作作为艺术家.

“学生们在贺曼艺术公司制作的作品集讲述了他们申请大学的故事,她说。. Kreischer, the Elizabeth Gatchell Klein Chair of the Expressive Arts Department. “这项工作对他们来说意义重大, 因为他们这么做的原因不仅仅是为了打勾或在AP投资组合中得到5分. 他们制作它是因为他们关心它.”

同样的, 参加霍尔马克人文学科研讨班的学生将对选定的感兴趣的主题进行高水平的研究. Dr. 亚历山大是历史系主席,并与英语老师丽贝卡·库克-杜宾共同教授霍尔马克人文学科研讨会. He draws a comparison to a course he used to teach, AP U.S. 历史.

“That course is very content-driven; it’s a very 20th century course,” he explains. “It was developed in a time when information was not democratized, 因此,基于内容的澳门威利斯网站有其优点, 因为那是你学习材料的方式. With the Information Revolution, that’s become irrelevant. Leaving behind AP has allowed me to offer a Hallmark Renaissance in Italy class.”

这门新的霍尔马克澳门威利斯网站是由霍尔马克博士启发的. Alexander's doctoral work on 15th-century court cases, while also exploring the cultural explosion between the 14th and 16th centuries.

The 2022-23 course catalog includes 16 Hallmark classes and 25 Upper Level Electives. 在一起, 这些具有挑战性的澳门威利斯网站为MHS学生提供了设计适合他们兴趣的学术道路的机会,并使他们走上大学成功之路. Hallmark 环境科学 is one of four new Hallmark courses next year. 微积分II,女性历史,博士. Alexander’s Renaissance Italy class are the others.

超越AP澳门威利斯网站使科学系能够将澳门威利斯网站设置带到最前沿,允许深入研究其Hallmark和高级选修澳门威利斯网站中相关的当前主题, 系主任唐娜·戴格尔说.

“We were able to disengage from a curriculum dictated by an outside source, 作为一名教师, 它真的打开了世界——天空是极限,她说。. Daigle. “当我们做出这种转变时, 它真的让我们有能力用我们的激情来教学,并把这种激情带给我们的学生,这是我们基于AP标准教学时无法做到的.”

霍尔马克环境科学就是一个很好的例子, being taught next year by Science Teacher Kennedy Raimer.

“That is a class that is focused on the local environment, our local ecosystem,” adds Ms. Daigle, who previously taught AP 环境科学. “Kennedy has been an advocate for more field work, and it’s really her passion. What she brings as an expert in the field is invaluable.”

在科学老师Jennifer LaForest的霍尔马克无机化学课上,学生们最近完成了一个制作3d模型的项目, 研究某种毒品对社会的影响, then produced posters to illustrate their findings. Ms. Daigle introduced her Women’s Health and Global Issues class a decade ago. 她在教授解剖学时注意到了这一点 & Physiology previously, that much of the study materials were based on the “average” male body.

“There is so much going on in the world about women’s health, 我还以为在女子学校, it was an opportunity for us to explore this topic in a course,她补充道. “我看到了一个机会,并抓住了它, 作为一名教育工作者,我非常看重澳门威利斯网站有提出想法并追求它的自主权.”

随着霍尔马克澳门威利斯网站的发展. 舱口Blauvelt指出, 然而, 学生的目标不应该是把尽可能多的霍尔马克澳门威利斯网站“堆”到他们的澳门威利斯网站负荷中. 而, 大学更愿意看到学生根据学术兴趣和优势认真选择澳门威利斯网站.

这段旅程从九年级和十年级开始, with Foundational Courses that provide skills — research, 写作, and analysis — that lay the groundwork for success in upper-level coursework. As students emerge from the sophomore experience, they meet with Ms. 维登和夫人. 舱口Blauvelt, 与任课老师协调, 顾问, 和父母, to set their academic path for the junior and senior years and beyond.

高级选修课——一年或一学期的澳门威利斯网站——和霍尔马克的澳门威利斯网站在这条道路上提供了声音和选择, 为每位MHS学生量身定制的澳门威利斯网站. 所有澳门威利斯网站的学习参与度都很高, 哪些澳门威利斯网站提供了深入的学习,并补充了学生进入大学后将被要求从事的工作.

“Colleges want to see students who have taken a variety of courses,” Ms. 舱口Blauvelt解释道. “They don’t expect someone to specialize in high school. 他们想知道一个学生拥有所有的基本技能和那些能够独立工作的高级技能, 做深入的研究, 并参与具有挑战性的材料, so that they can specialize when they get to college. Hallmark and 视野, that’s how our students stand out, not by stacking up exams and tests.”

“我们的重点是让学生为他们的未来做好准备——为大学和以后的生活做好准备,”院长阿尔伯蒂补充道. “我们致力于教会他们变得坚强, sturdy learners so that when they head off to whatever environment they are going into, 他们有很强的自知之明,能够驾驭不可避免会遇到的起起落落.”

Students learn to dig into research, explore multiple sources, and analyze those sources. 他们独立工作, 同时也与其他学生合作, 他们参与到更高层次的内容中. 许多澳门威利斯网站还寻求与外部专家和组织建立联系,以进一步拓宽学生的经验. Faculty, 与此同时, have the ability to dive deep into topics and tailor their curriculum.

“当学生提出可以推动他们学习的问题时,你会得到最深的参与, 这就是你们在这些澳门威利斯网站中可以做的,Dean Alberti补充道.

霍尔马克艺术史专业的学生, 例如, took advantage of cultural offerings in the Berkshires, 参观几个博物馆. “I saw how incredibly well-prepared our students are,Dean Alberti指出, 谁和他们一起旅行的. “如果你学的是艺术史, you need to learn the vocabulary of art analysis and practice those skills, 你需要看看艺术. That will set them up to take Art 历史 in college.”

Dean Alberti is particularly proud that courses are listed in more than one department, 打破院系之间的支柱,帮助学生了解跨学科的学习是如何联系起来的. The Humanities Seminar counts toward an 英语 or 历史 credit, 例如, and 历史 of Art as an Expressive Arts or 历史 credit.

随着hallmark进入第四年, she is excited to see the direction they take and how they further evolve. 到目前为止, 他们取得了绝对的成功, with students and faculty enthusiastic about the change.

“这些澳门威利斯网站很严格, 它们令人兴奋, 它们是动态的, and they are an opportunity for faculty to share their expertise with students,Dean Alberti指出. “我们的学术澳门威利斯网站是精心设计的, 我们的澳门威利斯网站被创造出来了, 传授技能, 覆盖材料, and provide the knowledge so that students will be prepared to flourish in college and beyond.”